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Expose: A Secret Baby Sports Romance Page 2
Expose: A Secret Baby Sports Romance Read online
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Amanda rolled her eyes and said, “I might be an author but that does not mean I believe in all that crap.”
“Yeah, yeah, but you believe in the crap called love,” May said, quirking a brow.
Amanda chuckled and turned back to the computer in front of her and her fingers started flying across the keyboard once more. “Do you need something, sis?”
“Well… You had a call.”
Immediately, Amanda’s head jolted up and she looked straight at her sister. The force with which she raised her head caused her glasses to start slipping off her face. She shoved them back up with a finger and asked, “Who was it?”
“Uncle Robert. Why are you so excited? Were you expecting it to be some secret admirer or something?” Amanda’s sister asked as she stood up.
Amanda rolled her eyes and said, “No, silly. It’s Uncle Bob’s call that I’ve been expecting. Why didn’t he call my cell?”
May shrugged as she said, “I didn’t know that. Anyway, concerning your cell, he said your number is unreachable or was it switched off? I forget.”
“That’s not true. My phone cannot be…” she was saying but she trailed off as she stared at the screen of her phone. She pressed the power button and watched the screen flick alive.
“You were saying?” May asked, a brow arched.
“Well…” she grinned sheepishly. “I must have switched it off unintentionally.”
“Right… Because it could never be a deliberate act for you to turn it off while you are in the zone. Anyway, you should call uncle. He said that it was pretty important, something that had to do with your new book.”
“Sure. Thanks,” Amanda called as she hurried into the house. The sounds of the waves outside were only going to affect her call.
She settled onto a settee in the den and drew her legs up under her. As she waited for the call to get connected, she ran a hand through her brown hair, messing her messy bun up some more.
“Hey Mandybear,” Bobby’s voice floated to her from the other side and she could not help but smile. His use of the nickname that he had given to her when she was a child always had that effect.
“Hi Uncle Bob. I’m sorry. I had no idea that my phone was off. How have you been?”
“That’s okay. I’ve been good, my dear. And you? I do hope that you are not working too hard,” his voice was jolly but she could also hear the stern undertone.
Amanda chucked and said, “Is that possible? So, Uncle Bob, do you have good news for me?”
“Well… you will have to guess,” he teased her.
“You got the permission, right?” she thrilled. “I mean, you just had to have gotten. You are the manager of the Winton Warriors so there is no way you wouldn’t have been able to get it. I mean… you have connections. Right? Right? Uncle Bobby? Right?”
Uncle Bobby laughed throatily and his laughter boomed through the phone, “You actually guessed that correctly, dear child. I was able to get you permission to shadow the quarterback for some time. Now, who is the best uncle in the world?”
Amanda chuckled. If there was one thing that her uncle loved, it was when he was told that he was the best in the world, “You are, Uncle Robert. You are the best uncle in the world.”
“I am, right? Not that powder haired Uncle Thomas of yours.”
She could hear the grimace in his tone and she stifled her laughter. While Uncle Robert was her father’s brother, Uncle Thomas was her mother’s, and the two of them were always competing to be the best uncle. It was very hilarious to watch when the girls had been younger and it still was. Back then, it had also been very beneficial to them because their uncles were always doing one thing or the other, trying to please them to get on their best side and be chosen as the best.
“So I can get started right now then? You can introduce me to him right now, right? Should I come over now?”
“Uh… no, Mandybear, that is not a good idea,” her uncle quickly replied.
“Why? Aren’t they at the stadium right now? I mean, it’s not late. It’s still quite early,” Amanda asked eagerly. She was more than eager to get started. Her eyes flitted over to the clock in front of her and she saw that it was after four in the evening. There had to still be time.
“Oh no, my dear. The guys won’t be in till tomorrow. From what I hear, they are having another one of their crazy wild parties out in Green Grove. And judging from that alone, it’s going to be one hell of a morning for them.”
She heard the sigh in her uncle’s voice and it was obvious that he cared about the guys a great deal.
“Oh, I see then,” she said, her bubble burst. “Thanks Uncle Bob. Tomorrow it is then. I’ll be there bright and early so I won’t miss him before they head out for practice.”
“Oh don’t worry about that dear. My advice is that you come later, after their practice. Judging from what I know about these guys, it would be a long morning for them considering the fact that they are going to come in pretty hungover. It would be better to let him sweat it out in the field.”
“Okay then. You are the one who works with them every day. If you feel that it is better that way, then so be it. Bye, Uncle Bob. See you tomorrow.”
“Bye dear.”
As she heard the beeping sound signaling that the call was over, she lowered the hand holding the phone and sighed. She really would have loved to meet the quarterback of the Winton Warriors tonight. At least, then she would have gotten started on her research. Well, the situation was beyond her control.
“What’s the gloomy mood for? What did Uncle Bobby say?” May asked her as she walked into the living room from the balcony.
“Have you been out there all this while?” a distracted Amanda asked.
“Yup. I was reading through the introductory material for your newest work. It’s really good. Kudos, sister. So, how is the research going?”
“So-so,” Amanda said with a shrug.
“I’m guessing that must be what uncle wanted to talk to you about, being that he works in the stadium and he is in contact with athletes,” May said knowingly as she studied her sister.
“Yeah...” Amanda drawled.
“And? No good news yet? You don’t seem too pleased, sis.”
“Oh there is good news. I mean, the news that I just got from uncle gives me hope that the sports book I intend to write is actually starting to come alive. I mean, finally I’ll be getting the football material. It’s just that…” she hesitated and her sister studied her.
“That what?”
“Well... I am supposed to meet the quarterback that I will be shadowing tomorrow and…”
“Is he hot?” May interrupted and her sister gave her a pointed look. She chuckled and raised her hand in a peace gesture, “Sorry, sorry, go ahead, please.”
Amanda sighed and then, she said, “I guess I just don’t know what to expect. I’m kind of nervous I guess. To be honest, now that I have gotten the pass to tag along and observe the team and the quarterback, I would have preferred to, I don’t know, meet the quarterback today.”
“But you can’t?”
“Nope. Uncle says that he is at some party of some sort. So, introducing me to him will be next to impossible.”
“Party huh?” May quizzed as she set her feet on the ground and tucked them into a pair of fluffy slippers.
“Yeah, why?”
“Well, a party is a casual setting and introducing yourself to him at such an event might help reduce your tension and it would certainly create a warmer atmosphere between you both. I mean, you are going to be following this guy around for a while. It really would help if you don’t feel so worried and tense around him. I think it’s a good idea to meet him there. I know, I know, you’re thinking about the book and making it a great success but don’t worry; it is going to be great. You’re an incredible author, sis. You just have to remember that. And you are also very naive and shy. I mean, how can you still be a virgin?”
“Oh you’ve got to be kid
ding me,” Amanda groaned as she jumped to her feet. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“Maybe the real reason that you are scared is because of what they say about football players, so it begs the question that you are kind of nervous about meeting one, you know, since you are a novice in that area and they are kind of experts, I mean they are supposed to be the kings of uninhibited sex,” her sister winked.
Amanda rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms in a defensive posture, “No one says that.”
“The tabloids do,” May replied with a shrug.
“Everyone knows that the tabloids are trash and that is why I don’t waste my time reading them. They are simply false depictions of the truth.”
“Not always,” May argued.
Amanda sighed heavily and turned around. She walked away and headed out of the door and into the hallway with her sister hot on her heels behind her. She finally caught up with her in the kitchen.
“I know what you’re thinking and I agree with you a hundred percent. It is a tremendous idea,” May told Amanda while she leaned against the kitchen wall, watching her prepare sandwiches.
Instantly, Amanda’s hands paused midair and her eyes narrowed as she stared at her sister. Then she started speaking, “Do you know something that I have noticed? It is a proven fact actually.”
“What is it?”
“Whenever you agree with any of my plans or my point of view, they end up being the worse decisions ever and I mostly end up regretting my actions.”
“Okay, that is so not true,” May pouted.
“Do you want instances, because I can certainly give them to you. First and foremost, let’s think back to when someone, being you, agreed with me that I should dye my hair black and it turned out orange.”
At that, May started laughing, “Okay, you have got to admit that was funny.”
“Not for the one who was moving around with the orange hair, it wasn’t. And then, do I have to remind you about the Hudsons and their lawn and then, there is-”
“Okay, I get the point. Yes, I haven’t always supported you in making decisions that end well but I believe this idea that you are thinking up will. It is harmless. Wait, you are thinking of going to the party and introducing yourself, right? I need to know that we are on the same page.”
“Yes I am,” Amanda groaned as she slid a plate across the island to her sister. “But it is a terrible idea.”
“What are you talking about? It is a great one. And I will even do your makeup and here it comes, I will lend you a killer dress.”
“You do know that if I go, I’m going there to work and not to party, right?”
“Yeah, I know that but then, there is nothing like making a good first impression either. So, who is this athlete that you will be shadowing? How old is he? Is he hot or just there?”
Amanda let out a groan and stormed out of the kitchen.
“All these are vital questions!” her sister called after her.
Amanda sighed as she slipped on a red dress. Was this a good idea? She asked herself as she zipped it up from the back.
“It is a tremendously great idea,” May answered the question in her head. “You look great, sis. You, my dear, are going to bowl some people over.”
“No, no, that is not the plan here, May. What I want to do is introduce myself to him, you know, in a casual setting and not under the intense glare of Uncle Bobby.” Amanda replied quickly but despite what she said, she still lingered in front of the mirror, admiring herself. The sequins all over the red mini-dress glowed and made her brown hair and her equally brown eyes pop. She raised her hair up and looked at her sister, “Up or down?”
“Down,” May said as she stretched out the black boots with the fuzzy tops to her as well as a black jacket.
The two of them walked downstairs together, one very nervous, and the other more than excited.
“Do you really have to wear these glasses? You see pretty okay without them,” May complained.
“Yes, I do. They keep me invisible,” She replied as she pulled the hem of the dress lower, trying to get it below her knees where it currently was.
May rolled her eyes and swatted her hands away. “Please don’t do that outside. And for goodness sakes, I don’t understand why you would like being invisible. You are so beautiful yet you hide behind the books and the glasses. It’s no wonder you’re still a virgin.”
“Are we really back to this? Would you please stop throwing it in my face?”
“What? The fact that when people were going to parties in college and getting laid, you were either hunched over in the library or locked up in your room studying?”
“Yes, that.” Amanda waved at her sister and walked down the porch.
Just as May closed the door, she saw Amanda returning. She met her halfway down the porch steps. “Did you forget something?”
“This is a terrible idea, right? What I should do is wait till tomorrow. I mean, think about it, if uncle wanted me to go to the party, he would have told me to just head over there,” Amanda fussed as she moved back and forth wringing her hands.
Her sister caught her hands and smiled at her. “You are going to be fine, sis. It is a good idea to meet him now. The setting is relaxed and you are starting your research by observing the team in a place that is not their home court, it is a brilliant idea.”
“All right, you’re right,” Amanda nodded as she stopped pacing.
“Yeah, I am. So, go on, get out of here, and have fun.”
“Thanks sis, love you.” Amanda hugged her sister and ran off to her car. Moments later, she was pulling out of the driveway.
As she drove, she played some music to calm her nerves and she actually felt better and more confident in her plan. But then, as she pulled up the long driveway that led up to the party house in Green Grove, her fingers began to tighten around the steering wheel and her nerves became jittery again. She swallowed hard as she found a parking space. Amanda shut off the engine and got out of the car. Once it was locked, she stepped away and looked around her. The sprawling lawns were crowded with bottles and cars and people. Some of the cars were actually rocking on the spot. She rolled her eyes upward as she hurried past some of them. For goodness sake, the house in front of her was big so it probably had enough rooms to accommodate them. They probably just felt like being raunchy, she concluded.
Loud music, screams, alcohol, and a large crowd of people greeted Amanda as she stepped through the door. As she looked over the heads of people teeming through, she realized there and then that she had not even bothered to check out the face of the quarterback she was supposed to be shadowing. All she had was a name. She had expected her uncle to be the one doing the introductions and she had never gotten around to look him up on the net. She had to get out of there, she decided. Amanda turned around to leave but suddenly, a bottle was shoved into her hands and she was pushed further into the room by partiers. She sighed as she quickly found a corner to stand in. her exit was blocked. She would have to wait it out.
A bottle of beer later, someone was talking to her and she looked up to find herself staring into the bluest eyes she had ever seen. She tried to ignore him but one more beer and a glass of wine later and she felt more comfortable. As he led her upstairs, she kept questioning herself. What had she done to Amanda? Why had she drunk so much? Was she really going to lose her virginity to a complete stranger?
Chapter 3
As soon as the door shut behind them, Lucas pulled her into his arms. He helped her out of her jacket and then, he captured her lips with his as he pulled her into the room. The room was one of the numerous ones in the house. Once her lips were already swollen from his kisses, he turned her around and shoved her against a bureau lightly. He was too drunk so he had to fumble with her zip but finally he got it down.
He showered her neck and her back with kisses and the girl moaned and arched her back. His hands skimmed her back as he pushed her dres
s down. The sequined material made a crackling sound as it got caught under his fingers. It only turned Lucas on and he groaned as he felt the strain against his trousers. Lucas' hand roamed over her as the dress pooled around her ankles.
Gently, he lifted her up and carried her over to the bed. He was very hard for her and he loved the fact that she was so willing and reactive to him as well. Lucas placed her on the bed and he stepped away as he pulled off his shirt and threw it on the floor. It was immediately joined by his trousers. He jumped back on the bed and stretched over her and in the dim light he saw her smile shyly. Was that fear he saw in her eyes? The alcohol in his head and his lust clouded his judgment and he shook his head, ignoring it.
Lucas moved his hands upwards and stroked her cheeks. Her lips opened slightly and he bent his head, kissing them. She sighed against his lips and he felt her hands move upwards. As they journeyed, they stroked his chest and he sighed with pleasure. She clasped her hands around his neck and he deepened the kiss, pulling her towards him by her waist. Lucas moved downward, feasting on her ears and neck with kisses and then he got to her breasts which were still encased in a lace bra. He nibbled at them through the thin material and she arched her back as she moaned.
As he fondled her breasts through the material, his hands moved down and he grasped her butt cheeks through her panties. She gasped and that sent pleasure ricocheting through him. She leaned up and kissed his chest and as she licked around, he shuddered. Lucas lifted her face up and kissed her breasts. Swiftly and as someone who had great experience, he unclasped her bra exposing breasts which were peaked and waiting for him. He bit her right breast while he palmed the other and she moaned. Moving from one nipple to the other, he kissed them thoroughly, enjoying the sound of her moans.
Lucas moved his lips upwards, kissing her bare shoulders and her neck. He felt a shudder run through her and he bit her neck. He claimed her swollen lips and as he did that, he palmed her breasts. His lips still on hers, he moved his hand down and towards her legs. As soon as she felt his hand on her thigh, she spread her legs apart. Lucas' eyes widened as soon as he realized that her panties was soaked.