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Expose: A Secret Baby Sports Romance Page 4
Expose: A Secret Baby Sports Romance Read online
Page 4
“I had sex,” Amanda confessed and she got a face full of juice.
"Was that necessary? Or was that just part of the theatrical effect?" Amanda asked as she wiped her face with a paper towel. She looked down at her red dress. She had not gotten around to showering. As much as she thought that the previous night was a big mistake, she still could not help but remember the feeling of him inside her.
"You didn't!" An astounded May asked.
"Why are you so surprised?" Amanda asked, shrugging as if it was no big deal but from her sister's expression, it was obvious that she didn't fall for it. She sighed and said, "It’s not like I was saving myself for some prince charming that would arrive and sweep me off my feet."
"But, Mandy, you... You..." May stuttered and then, her eyes brightened and she asked in a soft voice, "Did you do it because I kept teasing you about being a virgin? I'm so sorry, sis. I didn't mean to push you and..."
"Would you stop apologizing as if you just killed my dog," Amanda snapped. "Listen, it was not your fault, all right? I was drunk and I really liked the guy and I did what I would not usually do. So, I have the alcohol to thank for it not you, so you might as well get off your high horse."
"And you don't regret it?" May asked as she refilled her glass.
"Of course I do. I am completely mad at myself for having sex with a stranger. I mean that's certainly not how I expected to have sex the first time but then, my guilt is trying to be suppressed by how mind-blowing it was. But that notwithstanding, I am still beating myself up right now," Amanda confided in her sister.
"When you say mind-blowing, on a scale of one to ten, ten being the best and one being the worst, how good was the sex?" May's look of concern had been replaced with a sheepish grin and Amanda could not help laughing. Whether she was trying to or not, her sister always had a way of always making her feel better.
She wiped tears away and said, "Was that really all you gathered from all I just said?"
"What else is there to pick out? You feel kind of guilty but the fact that it was great sex is trying to trump the feeling. So, tell me how good it was."
"A twelve?" Amanda asked shyly. This was a topic that she had certainly never discussed with her sister. Her sister was always the one going on about her sexual escapades while the best she ever narrated was how great a guy looked.
"Oh my goodness!" May squealed and she bounced on her seat. "Your first experience with sex was incredible, sis."
"Okay, maybe not that incredible," Amanda interjected hurriedly. "I mean, who am I to judge when I have no prior experience to compare it to?"
"How soon did you get wet?" May asked as she quirked a brow.
Amanda rolled her eyes and said, "Shortly after he started kissing me, I mean before I was even on the bed but that's not the point here."
"Ooh, you guys got to a bed. He must really be good. I mean, just by his kisses you were turned on? Nice. Now, third question, how many times did you orgasm? Like really orgasm?" May winked.
"Okay, now we're done," Amanda said and she got up.
"Oh come on, sis. This is fun to talk about," May called after her but Amanda was headed off already. "No fair! I need the full gist!"
"Such is life!" Amanda returned.
Amanda shut the door hard behind her and slipped down it to the floor. She held her head in her arms as the events of the previous night replayed in her head. As she saw herself turn into noodles in a complete stranger's hands, she groaned. How had she let herself get so vulnerable? How had she ended up in that state?
She sighed and pulled herself to her feet. She might have absolutely enjoyed the sex but she still felt dirty. How could she have stooped so low? As she antagonized herself, Amanda stripped off her dress and she stared at herself in the mirror. She had barely had time to slip on her bra and panties before she made it out of there that morning. She had tried to be as quiet as possible because she hadn't wanted the risk of seeing him awake that morning. It would have been like throwing cold water on her to douse her pride. It was injured enough as it was.
She headed to the bathroom and stood under the steaming rivulets. As the water hit her sensitive parts, more memories cropped into her head. She shampooed her hair and rinsed it. Amanda scrubbed herself over and over wishing she could just wash away all the memories and all that had happened the previous night. Well, she knew it could not. She was left with her memories, no matter how bad she felt.
Amanda stepped out of the bathroom and she stood in the mist that the heat from the water had created in the bathroom. Wrapping herself up in a fluffy towel, she left the en suite bathroom and headed back out. Once she was dressed in comfortable clothes- an old polo and a pair of shorts, she pulled her hair up in a messy bun and headed downstairs but not before picking her laptop up.
"How was your shower? Was it very hot and effective?" May's voice called out to her; she stepped out of the studio and leaned against the wall. She winked at Amanda and Amanda rolled her eyes. She walked past her sister and headed to the den. Pushing the sliding doors open, she stepped out and settled at her regular spot facing the ocean. Once her laptop was powered up in front of her, she got to work brandishing the introductory part of her sports book. Her goal was to write a sports book depicting the very stars behind the game, looking at the game from behind the scenes and from their point of view. And she had already collected material on some stars in other sports. It was just football that was left.
About an hour later, Amanda sat back and surveyed her work. She was quite surprised that she had been able to get some work done considering the fact that her thoughts had been clouded every now and then by a blonde haired stranger doing dirty things to her, things that he never got around to doing and things she was hating herself for wishing that she was thinking.
"Need a cold drink?" she heard a teasing voice behind her.
Amanda shut her eyes as she gritted her teeth. She knew all too well that her sister was goading her. She turned and stared at her and true to her thoughts, there was May, raising an eyebrow, with a mischievous look on her face.
"May, would you just let this go?"
"Have you?" May retorted.
"That's different. I am the one who..." Amanda trailed off and she looked at her sister, as if desperate for a word to use.
"Who was fucked?" May asked as she raised her brow higher.
Amanda groaned and pushed her chair back. She just did not have the strength of mind to handle her sister at that moment.
"I actually do need that cold drink right now, and a snack as well," Amanda said snidely. She stepped aside and headed back into the house.
"Are you still meeting Uncle Bobby up at the stadium today?" May asked as she watched her sister moving around the kitchen, preparing a snack for herself.
"Yeah, but that would be later in the day. Let's say around 3 p.m., give or take. Why?"
"Oh nothing, I'm just being curious. That’s all."
"All right, if you say so." Amanda shrugged and hurried out. She was not going to let her sister's words make her feel bad because she was already feeling terrible.
A few hours later, Amanda was driving into the parking lot just in the vicinity of the stadium. She sat in the car for a long time doing breathing exercises. Finally she was doing it. She was finally meeting the Winton Warriors quarterback, what was his name again? Lucas Dennison. Yes, that was it and she felt pretty nervous. It was not because she knew anything about him, heck she had no idea how he looked. It was just the fact that she had had such an unusual night and now, she was kicked out of place in her psyche. She was usually calm and in order but now, she felt like a wreck. Why on earth had she let it happen? Why she had sex with a complete stranger was a fact that kept stumping her.
She pulled herself out of her car and slammed the door hard and she winced when she jumped back from it. Frankly, she could not care about who this quarterback was. She was just here to meet the guy and start her research by shadowing him. But she could
not help but blame him too. If he had not made himself scarce last night by being at that damn party, she would have met him at the stadium and there would have been no need for her to stupidly go off to the party.
She groaned as she slapped herself inwardly. Blaming him for what happened was not going to help the issue. All she had to do was play nice and start her research. She pushed open the door that led into the front office of the stadium. Her feet had certainly carried her there. She had practically lived here when she was a child, back when her uncle was a trainer. Either him or Uncle Thomas would take turns watching them after school and when it was his turn, he always brought them there after school to keep an eye on them. Well, all the guys at school certainly learnt to keep their distance after the first encounter with Uncle Bobby.
She smiled ruefully as she entered the conference room. It had been a long time since she came there. Bobby Kates resigned as a trainer a few years ago after he had an injury. He had decided to take it easy and not wanting to leave the sports world, he had settled for a job as manager, much to the girls disdain. All they wanted him to do was rest and enjoy his retirement. He more than deserved it but he was having none of it.
Her eyes flitted to the clock on the wall and she saw that it was just a few minutes after three. Her uncle had told her 3 p.m. She settled into a seat and placed her head on the table as she gave herself a pep talk. Get yourself together, Amanda Kates. You made a mistake. That was last night. It's a new day. Forget about it and move forward.
Hearing her uncle's voice, she looked up. Her smile slipped as soon as she saw the person next to him.
Chapter 5
Earlier that Day
Lucas shoved a whole burger into his mouth and groaned with delight. He was absolutely starving and the food in front of him was not dousing the hunger he felt. After having just coffee for breakfast and hours of press-ups and squats and many more drillings from coach, he had certainly burned off a lot of carbs. He had gotten to the stadium just before six a.m. and they had all been at it till eleven a.m. before coach had finally given the soaked, smelling athletes a break. Well, he was an athlete and so, he needed lots of carbs, more than other people did.
“Do you plan to eat the plate as well?” Colin asked and he chuckled when Lucas threw a glare at him. “You would not be so hungry if you had not drunk so much on an empty stomach.”
“You’re one to talk,” Lucas retorted. “You look as bad as I do.”
“That might be true but I am not the one eating like a starved wolf, now am I? But I don’t blame you, man, you spent so much energy, not just drinking but then fucking as well. It’s no wonder the exercises have taken their toll on you and you have to regain so much strength,” Colin said quietly as he picked up his protein shake. He took a sip, ignoring his friend’s glare. “So who was it last night?”
Lucas looked at his friend and placed a blank look on his face, a look that seemed to say that he had no idea what his friend was talking about. “What are you talking about? I’m lost, man.”
Colin rolled his eyes skyward and sad, “Who was the girl who was drunk enough to end up in bed with you?”
“Drunk enough?” an amused Lucas asked as he raised an eyebrow. He dropped the pizza slice in his hand back in the plate and gestured at himself as he reached for his water. “Have you taken a look at me? Who wouldn’t want a piece of this? Drunk or alert, the girls are always drooling over me. They always want me, man. It is a fact.”
“Are you sure about that? You’ve gotten a total of what? How many side-glances since we got here? Three? There was a time that the girls would have been walking up to us but now, tsk tsk, how sad, man.”
“Yeah, yeah, I think that is because I’ve fucked every single one of them in here, man. And what they all want is a relationship while I certainly have no plans of being with anyone,” Lucas said with a shrug. He saw his friend glaring at him and he shrugged as he looked around to ensure that he was the target of the look, “What?”
“That was loud, Lucas!” he whispered.
Lucas shrugged and looked around. Just then, he heard the door bang shut. He turned back to his friend and asked, “What about that?”
“You do know that some of these girls are on dates? Did you have to destroy that by saying that so loudly?” Colin groaned.
“What? The truth? For goodness sake man, they should be flattered that they get to be associated with me, Lucas Party Boy Dennison,” Lucas winked.
Colin rolled his eyes and said, “I am pretty sure that they would not mind being associated with you, what they have a problem with is the act that they are being associated with your bed-matics. Now therein my friend lies the issue.”
“I still do not understand you,” Lucas said, his eyes staring blankly at his friend while his fingers played with the straw stuck in his water bottle.
Colin sighed and said, “Decorum and manners, man. You do not say in a crowded room that you have slept with all the girls there. It is very important that you do not do that. I mean, that only causes rifts in relationships and a whole lot of questions. For goodness sake, a guy knows that his girlfriend has an ex, yes, but he certainly does not need to hear this girlfriend’s ex announce it in a restaurant. Do you understand what I mean by manners now?”
“Yeah, I just might do,” Lucas said and he winked at his friend.
Colin sighed and said, “So seemingly, you’ve slept with every girl in town yet you were still able to bed one last night.”
“Not every girl in town man, my track record might be long but I don’t just tap everything in a skirt. I have specs although last night’s did not quite tick all the boxes. Now that I think of it, maybe that’s what made it so much fun.”
“Ah… so who was she?” a curious Colin asked.
“Someone who I have never come across. She had a kind of exotic beauty to her…you know what I mean. She might not have ticked all the boxes but I knew them moment I set my eyes on her that I had to get down with her.”
“And you did,” Colin said it more as a statement than a question. He knew his friend all too well and he knew what he was capable of.
“Oh yes I did. Lucas Party Boy strikes again, woo hoo!” Lucas cheered and all eyes turned to look at him.
“You just always have to draw attention to yourself, don’t you? You are certainly an attention magnet.”
“Ooh, you’ve known that for a long time now, it shouldn’t just now be dawning on you.”
Colin broke into hearty laughter and soon enough, Lucas joined him.
“You are so full of crap, Lucas.” He shook his head as he emptied his cup and he raised it, signaling to the waiter that he needed another.
“But do guys really bring girls to such a place for a date?” Lucas asked Colin and immediately, Colin’s eyebrows shot into his hair.
“What on earth do you know about dates, Lucas Dennison? You have never gone on one in your entire life.”
“I know that and that is why I’m asking. I need clarification. I would think that a date is supposed to be set in a place that has a kind of romantic feel to it. What this place has is a family and friends vibe. Heck, it even has a karaoke machine.”
“Luca, Luca, Luca, why all these questions?” Colin narrowed his eyes at his friend.
Lucas shrugged as he said, “Just being curious.”
“Are you sure that you don’t have eyes on this exotic beauty? Is she just someone that does not tick your boxes? Do you want to take her on a date?”
Lucas threw his head back as he laughed heartily. “Oh man, a date? Now, that is something that is never going to happen and exotic beauty knew it. She is actually one of the few intelligent ones. She was out of my bed before I woke.”
“That has never happened before,” a surprised Colin said.
“No it certainly has not. Dates, relationship, are not my thing but I will admit that I would certainly tap that twice.”
“Same with all of them,”
Colin rolled his eyes as he turned back to the phone that he had been thumbing through and his friend chucked.
“Ooh la-la, I feel like going to a strip club,” Lucas suddenly said and a surprised Colin looked up from the phone.
“Why did that suddenly cross your mind? And you are not actually really thinking of doing that now, right? It is just eleven-thirty am.”
“Well, if we were in a strip club, all of that would be exposed,” Lucas said and he tilted his head to a position behind Colin. Despite his better judgment, Colin turned around and his eyes widened when he saw who his friend was referring to. She was a busty waitress and her boobs were vividly stretching the seam of her white shirt. They were actually threatening to burst open the top two buttons.
She was walking towards them right then and as she did, her hips swung back and forth. Lucas whistled loudly as she headed towards their table. He leaned over and whispered to his friend, “Now, she is definitely my type.”
“I hear you loud and clear,” Colin said with a nod. “I didn’t see her when we arrived earlier.”
“When we arrived earlier, we were not sober enough to see what was in front of us. Now that we are, we can see all that is going on before our very eyes. Well, isn’t it a good thing that this is not our regular joint?” Lucas said, a small smile playing on his lips.
Colin narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms, “What do you mean by that?”
“What exactly? It is quite simple. I won’t have some clingy, whiny girl hanging off me when I decide to take a bite, we are just passing through, and we are total strangers to each other, just the way I want it. No more connection after today.”
“Please don’t tell me that you are going to do what I think that you are going to do?” Colin slapped his head. “Are you insane? Besides, what makes you think that she will even have eyes for you?”
“Question one, yes, I am going to fuck the waitress, real good. Two, I am fucking insane. And three, I am who I am, she already has eyes for me, man. The next few minutes will prove it.”