Expose: A Secret Baby Sports Romance Page 5
“What do you mean by that?” Colin asked.
“You’ll see. She is on her way here. In three, two, one. Showtime.”
The waitress appeared at their table and flashed a bright smile at them, “Will you need anything else, gentlemen?”
“Some water would suffice, if you please.” As Lucas spoke, he flashed his ever-charming smile and he knew his eyes shimmered as he did. He had not become the ladies’ man by not knowing his strengths. He motioned at the glass jug in her hands. Then, he looked up at her name tag, “Meg… ah… Beautiful name, I would say. It fits the bearer all too well.”
He watched as she smiled shyly and raised her free hand to tuck her hair behind her ear. That was when he knew that she had already fallen hook, line and sinker. That hair gesture was always a telltale sign that the guys had deciphered. The two friends saw it at the same time and Lucas stifled a grin as he saw his friend roll his eyes.
As she poured the water, she spilled some of it all over Lucas’ crotch. She gasped as she quickly picked a napkin and tried to help him out further worsening the situation. As a smile played on Lucas’ lip, he heard Colin groan in annoyance.
He caught her hand and smiled peacefully at her and asked, “Just direct me to the bathroom. I will take it from there.”
She nodded and stepped back, “Right this way, sir.”
As Lucas walked past his friend, he winked and Colin rolled his eyes. You should go, he mouthed as he left.
“Do you need any help, sir?” she asked him once they got to the restroom. He was standing in front of the hand drier as he tried to get his trousers dry. He looked up and saw her in the mirror. She was shamelessly ogling him and he could see exactly where her gaze was.
“Should you be in here?” he asked her as he straightened up. He turned around to face her.
“It’s unisex,” she hurriedly replied and she headed to him. Quiet brazenly, she settled her hand on his crotch and massaged his arousal through the material. As she did so, she rubbed the front of her chest against his shirt.
She leaned up on her tiptoes because of the considerable distance in height and pulled his head down with her free hand. As she kissed him, she massaged and Lucas kissed her back, letting her do all the work. He was already enjoying himself.
Deepening the kiss, she pulled him along as she backed towards a stall. Lucas stretched his hand around her and pushed the door open. As soon as they were inside the stall, he turned around and shut the door. In the spilt second it took him to shut the door, her buttons had been unclasped and her breasts freed from the bra that had been enslaving them. He took hold of her breasts and buried his head between them. He felt her shudder under his kisses and he turned her towards the door shoving her against it gently. She whimpered as he stepped away and pulled him back to her.
His phone ringing interrupted her kisses and with difficulty, Lucas pried her off him, despite her protests. He answered it and once he heard that they were needed back at the stadium by the coach, from Colin who had just been about to pull out of the parking lot, he hung up and returned his phone to his pocket.
“Well, some fucks are not meant to be,” he told her. As he left, he could hear her cursing and he chuckled.
Lucas stepped into the conference room, involved in a conversation with Bobby. He had returned from the diner hours ago and currently, they were going through some arrangements for the next match. Just then, Bobby looked towards the table and Lucas’ eyes followed Bobby’s. He heard Bobby say something but everything was already starting to sound fuzzy to him so he had no idea what he had said. All he could see was the head of brown hair that looked so familiar. It couldn’t be her, a voice said in his head. She had no reason to come searching for him.
The owner of the hair raised her head and it was as if everything fell still. Lucas’ eyes flicked over her. What on earth was she doing here? Why was his one-night stand in the front room of the stadium? His own turf? Why was she there? Had she followed him? Or had she just stalked him? Here he had been thinking that she was the best hassle-less sex he had ever had but here she was about to cause problems for him. Was she suing him for sexual harassment or what? This was not good. It was so beyond bad it wasn’t even funny. Coach was not going to like this at all. But he knew who was going to absolutely love it, the paparazzi. They were going to have a field day. What was he going to do? Lucas panicked as all the thoughts ran through his head.
For a minute, through all this worrying, he paused and he was able to see things very clearly and right then and there, he realized that her expression probably mirrored his. It was a mixture of shock and devastation. It was very obvious that she had not expected to see him there either. That only meant that she had not come there looking for him. Seeing him had just been a surprising coincidence. So why then, was she here? If it wasn’t for him, he wondered.
Lucas looked from her to Bobby and watched the exchange between them. He saw the tight look on her face and he realized that she was trying to hide her initial shock. He cleared his throat as he turned to his manager. He had to find out what on earth was going on. “Uh... Bobby, who is this?”
Bobby looked at him like he had suddenly grown two heads. Then, he shook his head and said, “You are lucky that you are not a kid. If you were, I would have slapped you on the back of your head. This is my niece, Amanda Kates. Remember? I told you that she would be coming to shadow you in respect to her book and you agreed? It is going to be for a few weeks.”
Lucas did not think that his shock level could get any higher but in that moment, he believed that it did. This was worse than a sexual harassment suit. At least then she could be talked out of it. But this? She was Bobby’s niece. Oh no. This was not good at all. Was she going to tell her uncle what had happened between them?
Before he could think anymore, she stretched out her hand towards him and stared straight at him like a minute ago she had not been absolutely horrified. He took her cue and took her hand as well, enclosing it in his. As they shook hands, Lucas heaved a sigh of relief. This was good, very good. She understood the situation all too well and he was glad. If there was one thing he never wanted to handle, it was Bobby finding out that his niece had been one of his numerous conquests. The thought was disheartening.
Bobby looked from one to the other and rubbed his hands with delight; assuming that the fake smiles on their faces actually portrayed the way they felt about meeting each other.
“Well then, now that you both are acquainted, Mandybear, I’ll leave you both to get started. I trust you can take it from here. Have fun.”
Once the door shut behind him, they turned to look at each other. If only Bobby knew how well they had already gotten acquainted, he would not have left with that grin on his face. He looked at the door. Was it awkward or not in here? He watched her and saw how she played with the strap of her bag nervously, trying to look at anywhere but him. As his eyes flitted over her, he felt his cock harden and he whistled quietly. Bobby had been right about one thing. Indeed, it was going to be fun.
Chapter 6
Amanda's back was splayed against the lockers in the locker room and her legs were wrapped around Lucas' bare waist. She rocked back and forth against the lockers as he thrust over and over. She moaned and moaned as he fucked her harder and harder. Just when he went limp inside her, he groaned and buried his head in her cleavage, which was visible through the V-neck of her blouse.
As her breasts perked up and as he sucked through the satin, she felt him harden inside her again. Back and forth in rhythmical fashion she went against the locker, his head still buried between her breasts. As he banged her, she tugged at his hair, and that only made him slam into her harder and harder. Finally, they came together. And he breathed deeply as he raised his head and skimmed his hands over her bare legs which were still hooked around his waist. His hands moved upwards to her waist where her skirt was hitched up and she sighed.
Lucas leaned in to kiss he
r and she closed her eyes waiting for it when suddenly, she heard a chuckle. Amanda's eyes flew open and she looked at him, puzzlement in her eyes. She watched as his throat rose as he laughed and all she could think about was licking her way over his body starting there.
"What's so funny?" she asked as she tried to set her legs down but he was having none of it as he held her there. He was still inside though not his full length.
"This scene," he said huskily and in that brief moment, Amanda looked down at them and she could only imagine what someone who stepped in right then would think. There she was, between him and the locker. The front of her blouse was wet where her breasts were perked and where he had sucked. Her skirt was raised up around her waist and her panties had been ripped off and lay in a lonely mess next to a gym bench. Her heeled legs were hitched around him and she was panting with pleasure. And him? He looked no better than her. His hair was a mess from all her pulling and just like her, he was only bare from waist down. His pants were around his ankles followed by his boxer shorts and he was inside her.
He raised his hands up behind her and cupped her ass pulling her closer towards him and he leaned into her neck.
"The door is locked, right?" Amanda asked as she tried to clear her head but his nuzzling at her neck and the circles he was forming on her bare butt cheeks with his hands made that very difficult.
"Uh huh..." He murmured. "You were the one who came in here to meet me, to seduce me I presume."
At that, Amanda snapped and she punched his shoulder. At that, he looked up and seeing the anger in her eyes, he pulled out. She ignored the strained look on his face, which showed how difficult it had been for him to do that. He set her quietly on the floor and she shoved her skirt down. He pulled up his trousers as well. As she bent to pick up her ripped panties, he caught her hand and gently, he spun her around to face him.
"What just happened? What did I say?" He asked and she stared back at him in shock. He was actually looking at her, clueless, like he had no idea what he had done wrong.
"How dare you say that I came here to seduce you? You were the one who... Who..." She trailed off and he raised a brow looking at her in mock amusement. She shook her head and tried to gather her wits together. "The point is I only came here to get the briefings for the score sheets and one thing led to another."
"Uh huh, one thing certainly led to another," he nodded as he wrapped his hand around her waist, pulling her close to him till their bodies were fused together. He lowered his head to kiss her and she was actually skimming her hands up his shoulders when she snapped once more. She had still not forgiven him.
So, with great difficulty, more on her part, she shoved him aside and said, "I should go, this is a bad idea."
"After how many rounds did you decide that?" He quirked a brow at her. She knew that he was still teasing her and rather than be trapped by his bait, she stepped away, spun on her heels, and stormed off. "Aww, come on, Amanda?"
Amanda hurried out and as soon as the locker room door closed behind her, she looked around. Where was safest from him? She needed distance between them. She hurried down the hall and slipped into a restroom, locking the door behind her. She bent her head and washed her face. When she raised her head, she studied her reflection in the mirror. She didn't look like someone who had just been fucked against a locker door, right?
Amanda groaned as she leaned back against the wall. What was going on with her? It had been a month since she had been shadowing Lucas Dennison, quarterback, and in that month, pretty much all they had been doing was fucking. If she were to count, she would say that they had had sex approximately twenty times and that was not counting their most recent encounter in the locker room.
Amanda sighed and stared once more at her face. It was obvious that they still wanted each other when they met each other again and as soon as they had gotten over the initial shock that they would be working together for a while, well, she had starting doing more than shadowing him. Truly, if she were to think of it, she had not actually garnered substantial information for her book. Amanda held her head in her arms as she felt a throbbing between her legs. She wanted him. Heck, her body ached for him. And she felt mad at herself. How could she crave him so much? How could she want something that was not hers? They had no defined relationship. They had never even spoke about what was going on between them. Come to think of it, he knew nothing about her and she had only been able to garner information about him because of all he had told her for the book. To tell the truth, they really had nothing but sex between them. He could very well be fucking half the girls in Winton as well as her and it would not be an issue. As she thought of that, a wave of nausea washed over her and she had to hold on to the sink to keep herself from falling
When she finally felt like herself, Amanda straightened up. What she needed to do was get away. She would see him till the next day and then, she would feel better. She would be okay as soon as she relaxed. Amanda hurried out and once she was in her car, she drove straight home.
"What is that look for?" May asked as they prepared dinner that evening. "Things not going well between you and Lucas?"
"There is nothing going on between Lucas and I. Now, remember that and don't spill anything when Uncle Bobby and Uncle Thomas come over tonight," Amanda shot at her sister.
"You like him," May said quietly and in a decided tone.
Amanda looked at her and shook her head. "What are you talking about?"
"You know what I mean, sis. You like Lucas. Heck, from the way you look, I am sure you have fallen in love with him, madly I would say."
"That's not true," Amanda argued weakly and even as she spoke, she knew that she was lying to herself; she hated the fact that Lucas had gotten to her so bad.
"What are you going to do, sis?" May asked sympathetically as she picked up a glass platter of tossed salad. She headed down the steps and set them outside on the patio table. She returned inside and observed her sister.
"I wish I could stay away from him but..."
"You still have the book to think of and deep down, you don’t really want to let go of him, do you?"
Amanda sighed and picked up a platter of spiced chicken thighs. She headed out and called to her sister, "Oh I don't know. I really need to steel myself. It seems like every single time I become like putty in his hands."
"Hmm..." May muttered as she joined her outside with bowls of mutton sauce and rice. "So you are going to stop having sex with him. Can you do that?"
"Yes of course. I certainly can." Amanda said with more confidence than she felt.
"If only you believed it, it would be a lot easier, wouldn't it?" May said, staring intently at her sister.
Amanda sighed and brought out a pitcher of juice. "I'm going to take a shower."
"Another one? You can't scrub him off your body, you know? He's deep in your soul already."
Amanda chose to ignore her sister and headed off. The fourth shower she had since she returned did her a whole lot of good. She pulled her hair up into a high ponytail and held it tight with an elastic band. She slipped on an off-shoulder mini-dress, which was bounded by elastic all around the shoulder. It was also held at the waist by elastic. The hem was asymmetrical and it was a very comfortable fit.
As she headed downstairs, she could hear the voices floating towards her. It seemed like her uncles had arrived. Just as she stepped into the living room, she heard another voice; a voice all too familiar that it caused goosebumps to break out all over her skin. With the intention to play sick in her head, she made to turn around and sneak off but she was not fast enough.
"Ah, Mandy, there you are. Look who came with me for dinner!" Her uncle Bobby called.
Gritting her teeth, she pasted a smile on and looked in their direction. She walked towards them and hugged her uncles. As she did, her eyes met Lucas'. He had a mischievous twinkle in his eyes and a smirk playing on his lips. It took a lot of self-restraint on her part to not wipe it off with a slap.
"I didn't know you would be bringing a guest," May said as she walked up to them. She looked at her sister and back at her uncles.
"Oh you see, it was totally unplanned. Lucas said he had to discuss some issues for the book with Mandy and since I was having dinner with you girls, I thought, why not? Is there something wrong?" Bobby looked from one girl to the other.
Thomas McKinley, the girls’ uncle snorted and said, "The girls wouldn’t want to tell you this but I will say it. Yes, there is something wrong. There is a reason it is called a family dinner, Bobby but you were too dense to think of that."
Bobby opened his mouth to retort but the girls cut him short by rushing to each uncle’s side and placing calming hands on their shoulders. Sixteen years of living with them had given them enough experience to know what to do to calm them down when they were about to get in a row. Ignoring the surprise on Lucas face at the sudden outburst, Amanda led her uncle out to the patio.
"So what do you do when you are not playing or partying around?" Thomas asked Lucas as he spooned some sauce onto his rice. He looked closely at the younger man and Amanda swallowed. The scrutiny with which her uncle studied Lucas was unusual. He could not know something. He had never met Lucas. It was impossible and she was just imagining things, she concluded.
Lucas flashed a smile and said, "I dabble in water sports."
"I see..." Thomas nodded but Amanda could not understand what he saw.
"Stop being paranoid," May whispered and Amanda turned to look at her twin. May winked and Amanda chuckled quietly. Indeed, May always knew what she was thinking.
"So, this is quite a lovely house," Lucas said as he looked around. He turned to the sisters, "You stay here with your parents? Where are they?"
There was a moment of silence when everyone's forks hovered over their plates.
Amanda cleared her throat and said, "No, it's just me and May here."