Expose: A Secret Baby Sports Romance Read online

Page 6

  "And your parents?" Lucas probed.

  "Unavailable," May said sharply, sharp enough to deter him from asking any more questions.

  As soon as dinner was over, they all got to their feet and started heading down the stone steps that led to a gazebo. Just as Friday night parties were a norm in Lucas' life, so was Friday night dinner for the Kates' twins and their uncles. The night that it all started, Thomas had been out of town so it had not held. After dinner, they always headed to the gazebo in the large backyard and had family time.

  "Dinner was lovely, thank you. Let me help," Lucas offered but May shook her head and grabbed the silverware from him

  "No thanks, you're a guest."

  Amanda silently thanked her sister. She just could not be alone with him. But then, her uncle burst her bubble.

  "Oh let him help, MayBelle. Besides, he has something to discuss with your sister. Come on and join your old uncles. Tell us about that guy Amanda said has been sending large bouquets here."

  Amanda silently groaned as she hurried inside with the cookware. She turned around to leave when Lucas blocked her. He was bringing in the last of them. Amada realized that the kitchen was obscured from outside. So, rather than say anything, she turned to scrubbing them. For a while they washed in silence until Lucas' voice cut through the silence.

  "What happened to your parents?"

  "I don’t know," she snapped.

  "I'm sorry," he said, "It's obviously something you don't want to talk about. I just thought that, you are getting to know me so well, I would also love to get to know you."

  Amanda's head shot up and she studied him, his eyebrows were knitted together, his blue eyes had lost the mischief and were now concerned and he was watching her. Was that sincerity she had heard in his voice? She sighed and said, "They disappeared, all right?"

  "Disappeared?" He asked as he dried the last of the dishes.

  Amanda looked away as she spoke, "May and I had a talent show in school and we went ahead with Uncle Thomas. Mom and Dad had a private practice, they were dentists and they had to close up shop first, then they would meet us there. Well, they never did. Their car was found at the edge of a cliff. They had careened into a fallen tree. Their bodies were never recovered."

  "Oh, Amanda, I'm so sorry," Lucas gasped.

  Amanda shook her head and smiled ruefully. "It was a long time ago, but you know, it still hurts to talk about it. I think it's partly because we don't have closure yet. I mean, if we had found their bodies, I bet we would have been able to move on more easily but we never did."

  Lucas watched her while she spoke and Amanda was grateful that he chose to listen instead of saying anything else. "You know, when May and I were younger, we used to imagine that they would return in the dead of the night and they would swoop us into their arms and tell us that they were perfectly okay and still with us but..."

  "They never did," Lucas concluded.

  "True." Amanda smiled once more. And just then, she felt Lucas' touch on her cheek. She looked at him in surprise and as she did, she realized that she had tears rolling down her cheeks and that was what he was trying to get rid of.

  She stepped back and cleared her throat. "Anyway, Uncle Bobby, being Dad’s brother and Uncle Thomas, Mom’s brother took in May and I. They both played the roles of father and mother, the best they could."

  "Well, they were great at it. Look how well you and May turned out, strong, intelligent, beautiful women."

  In that moment, Amanda felt her heart swell with love for him and she swallowed hard. He made it so hard to stay away from him, saying things like that made it difficult to hate him.

  "Yeah, well, it was at the cost of their lives. You know, May and I absolutely love those two men, their eccentricities and all and we couldn't have asked for better guardians. Our parents would not have been happier. We just wish that they had also started their own families, found love, been happy. They spent sixteen years raising us and they never created their own lives. We can't help but always feel responsible."

  "I doubt they feel that way. Those men absolutely adore you both; I saw that just during dinner. They created the best lives by bringing you both up. Back then, before I met you, you needed to see how Bobby glowed whenever he talked about his nieces. If I'm sure of one thing, it is that Bobby has no regrets."

  "You think so?" Amanda asked quietly.

  Lucas raised her chin with his finger and nodded, "I don't think, beautiful, I know so."

  Amanda looked up at him and felt love brimming over. What was she getting herself into?

  Chapter 7


  Lucas could feel how hurt she was talking about her parents and he could not blame her. Her and her sister had just been kids when it had happened. To lose one's parents like that and never know what truly happened, it could destroy a person. Well, they had turned out great. He had not been lying when he said so. And now, he could completely understand Bobby. This was why he never got married. He and his brother-in-law had devoted their lives to bringing up their nieces to become the best that they could be and they had not bothered with their own lives.

  Lucas could not comprehend why it hurt him seeing the hurt in Amanda's eyes when she thought that she had prevented her uncles from having a better life. He might not know her so well but the little he knew, Lucas could confidently say that there was a great deviation from the truth. No one would ever wish not to have Amanda in their lives. Does that include you? A voice in his head asked and he pushed it away.

  What he knew right then and there was that he wanted to place a smile on her face. He needed to replace that brooding look with that smile that always lit up her eyes. As an idea crossed his mind just then, Lucas chuckled at himself. Was he getting sappy? After all, he had come here today with all the intention of driving her mad and off her rocker. He had no idea why but he loved teasing her. He also had bad timing and had chosen to go on a row just in the middle of something so damn good. He honestly did not blame her for marching off. But that had not deterred him. As soon as he heard that Bobby was coming over, he asked if he could tag along since he had something to discuss with her, which technically he did. Back then, he had something to discuss with her concerning his aching cock but now, everything seemed pointless. His main concern was making her smile.

  "Why don't we go out?" he asked as he set the final glass down. He turned to face her squarely and he saw that her face was a riot. She was confused at the question but at the same time she was trying to decide if it was a good idea. He chuckled and raised a hand, "I promise that I will try to be on my best behavior. I really will try."

  She studied him for a moment and then, her eye flitted over to the wall clock just across in the living room. She nodded and said, "Fine. I'll go change and..."

  "What? You're just perfect," he said quickly and he actually thought she was. The gray off-shoulder dress she had on accentuated her figure and the elastic around the shoulders and waist drew attention to how slim they were and he did not want to get started on the asymmetrical hemlines of the dress. They only made her legs longer and he could remember a time in the not too distant past where those legs had been wrapped around him. Lucas cleared his throat and looked back at her. She had on a look he could not comprehend. He approached her and placed a hand on each of her shoulders, "You okay?"

  "Uh huh," she nodded. She tried to get out of his hold but he raised his hands and gently pulled off her glasses. She glared at him and tried to reach for them but he raised them out of her reach. Oh the advantages of being taller than her. When it finally dawned on her that she was not going to get them back from him, she stopped trying and he turned to look at her, his eyes drowning in a pool of brown flecked with gold, eyes that had attracted him from the first time they met. She might have had them covered with her glasses back then but he had seen them and the few times he had caught hold of them was during sex but he had to admit that he had certainly been distracted by other things.

  "Tonight, the glasses stay off. No buts," he added the last part because she had started opening her mouth to protest. "So, you ready?"

  "Can I at least get my..."

  "Your coat?" He finished, grinning.

  "My phone, silly. It's a warm night, I don't need my coat." She rolled her eyes and headed outside.

  Some minutes later, she returned with her sister and uncles in tow. He looked at them and saw that May had a skeptical look on her face.

  "Hey, you take good care of her," Thomas said menacingly and he nodded.

  "Yeah, I will."

  "What time will you be bringing her back home?" This was from Bobby.

  May rolled her eyes and groaned "Oh for goodness sake, Uncle Bobby, you don't even live here. You have no idea whatsoever what time I come home. Note that that was not a confession."

  Bobby Kates made the gesture of, 'I've got my eyes on you' at May before he turned back to Lucas. While he had been doing that, Lucas' eyes had darted over to Amanda. She was at the edge of the group and she had mouthed, 'I'm sorry about this', he had winked in reply to show her that he was undeterred and she had smiled shyly.

  "You both take care. Bring her back safe, Lucas," Bobby said as he slapped his shoulder.

  At that, Lucas saw Amanda roll her eyes and he stifled a chuckle.

  Once they were outside, he heard her breathe in relief, "The way they act, you would think that you were taking me to prom or something."

  Lucas laughed throatily and threw an arm around Amanda.

  "Come on, let's go see the world."

  "Please not you too," she groaned and that only made him laugh more.

  "So, does May know what's going on? That we’re having sex?" He asked as he remembered her expression, it was like she had been unsure whether to let them go or not.

  "Yes I told her. Is it an issue? Because I don't care if you think so. She's my sister and..."

  He placed a retraining hand on her cheek and said, "It doesn't matter. It's fine."

  And as he said so, he knew it was true. He didn't mind her knowing and he could not help wondering what that meant.

  The pair walked down the wharf, looking over at the stormy sea.

  "It's warm tonight yet the sea is battling within itself," Amanda said quietly and Lucas looked down at her and smiled.

  "And that's why you're a writer." She rolled her eyes and he laughed. The entire shoreline was something of an open mall strip. There were the shops, the restaurants, the booths, the games.

  "Should we take a photo?" He asked. Before she could reply, he pulled her towards a photo booth. Once they were inside, he pulled the curtain closed and they started taking snapshots. "You know, this would be a nice place to have sex."

  "Lucas!" She glared at him before she turned back to the camera.

  Lucas laughed. The space was enclosed and due to his build, they were pressed against each other. Mischief bubbled within him and slowly, he ran his hand down the part of her thigh that was exposed by the dress. He felt her shudder at his touch. Ah, so she was not immune like she had been acting out to be.

  "Stop that, Lucas."

  "Why?" He asked as he leaned in to kiss her neck.

  "Because our pictures are being taken, that's why."

  "Oh right," he sat up but then said, "So if they weren’t being taken?"

  She groaned and climbed over him and out of the booth, but that did nothing to help his libido.

  They headed to an ice cream shop and because it was crowded, they sat in a booth next to each other. Immediately, his hands started working their way up her legs, forming little circles, caressing and leaving finger kisses. She moved uncomfortably beside him but there was nowhere for her to run to. On either side of them, there were people. His hands worked their way under her dress, his eyes still on her face as her eyes widened. She might want to deny it but she was turned on as well.

  Just then, their ice cream arrived and he smiled up at the waiter, his hand still moving upwards to her panties. As he found them, his eyes widened. They were soaked through. Their eyes met and he knew right then and there that he needed to have her. The visible bulge in the front of his trousers was proof enough. She averted her gaze and it just so happened to rest on his crotch. She looked up at him and he saw what was akin to mischief in her eyes. Oh no, what was she going to do? This was not good.

  He was just running his hand down her leg again when he felt something. He looked down to see her hand on his crotch under the table. She was not even looking his way and she was smiling at the person seated across them. No one would know what her hand was up to. Before he could stop her, she unzipped his trousers and her hand went in.

  "Oh my goodness!" Lucas shouted and all eyes on the table turned to him, including hers. He swore that he wanted to wipe that smirk off her face. Her hands was stroking and caressing his cock and he could not hold himself. He was going to release soon and she had an innocent look on her face like she was doing nothing. This was torture. She continued to look directly at him, her eyes saying, 'you started it'. Okay yes he did but he felt like his torture was worse than hers. He smiled at the people around the table and managed to say in a strained voice, "The ice cream is very lovely."

  "But you've not eaten any," the man across him said, a brow raised.

  At that time, Amanda's strokes were getting faster and Lucas could not trust himself to speak. He heard her say, "The aroma of ice cream alone takes him to cloud nine."

  And indeed, he was already in cloud nine. He orgasmed right then and felt his release into her hands. He looked at her and she smiled at him. She pulled her hand out and licked her fingers, one after the other. She turned to the people at the table and nodded, "I don't blame him. The ice cream is really, really good. I can't stop licking my fingers.".

  His hand snaked up her thigh and he felt between her legs which were very sticky. Their eyes met and he could see that she had derived some pleasure from the hand job as well but not enough for him to be satisfied. He was far from satiated and he knew that she wasn't either. He was going to make her pay. He was going to make her scream his name without abandon.

  He looked over at the waiter as he pulled his hand away and zipped up as quietly as he could. He heard her whimper as she missed his touch and he smiled inwardly. He was going to make her come so hard that she would forget everything that made her sad. He had not even started with her. She had done hers. It was time for him to do his. He signaled the waiter over.

  Lucas looked around, his eyes searching the bleachers and then, he found her. She was seated in the front, wearing the team colors and what was that in her hand? He laughed. She was wearing a large glove which had, Go Warriors! written on it. She truly was psyched about the game and she was definitely his number one cheerleader in that moment. He grinned. That was one of the numerous things he loved about her, her enthusiasm. As soon as that statement resounded in his head he shook it. What on earth was he talking about?

  He sighed and waved at her and seeing him, she waved back. She looked very beautiful. Her long brown hair was down and those glasses, those glasses he always had fun playing with were on. But then, he could not help wondering if something was wrong. Even if from such a distance, he could sense that she was a bit distracted even though she was cheering and screaming. He shook his head. She was probably thinking of how the book was going to fall into place. May was seated beside her and he watched as Amanda leaned closer to her to listen to what she had to say. Her hair fell over her face and his hand itched to push it back.

  He smiled to himself. He was glad that he was finally contributing to the book. He could tell himself the truth and the truth was that all this while, they had been having so much fun. So much, that he had forgotten the reason she got attached to him in the first place. Frankly, the only thing she had learnt from him was the numerous different places one could have sex, and well, what his cock looked like. And as much fun as it all was, this did not sit right with him. It was a week befor
e the playoffs and they were playing a game against the Pirates so he had invited her. It was a chance for her to finally learn something about his world.

  Just then, the whistle blew, jolting him out of his thoughts. It was time for the game to begin. And Lucas felt more pumped than he had ever felt. It was the first game that she was attending and whether he wanted to admit it or not, he knew it was because of her.

  As the players trooped in for halftime, the crowd was going wild. The game was going amazingly well and it would take a miracle for the Pirates to bounce back in the second half considering the fact that they had just three goals against the Warriors twenty-one. They stood no chance whatsoever.

  "Now go out there and finish this game! We don't just want a victory, guys! We need to wipe the floor with the Pirates! Warriors take absolute victory! We are unstoppable! There is no doubt about it!" Coach shouted. "Who's with me?!"

  "We are!" The players boomed as they hit fists against lockers.

  "I said, who is with me?!" Coach repeated. The man was pumped and excited and the players felt his excitement run through them as well.

  "We are!"

  "I can't hear you, Warriors!"

  "We are!" The players shouted at the tops of their lungs.

  "Go out there and make us all proud, Warriors! We are warriors and we fight to the finish!"

  Amidst more shouting and banging against lockers and fists bumping, the Warriors bounced back out to the field. In no time, they had completely floored the Pirates. It was an easy victory. With the game over and the fans running out to the field, Lucas was able to maneuver and get away. As he ran towards the locker room, his eyes searched the bleachers for Amanda. She was nowhere in sight. Anyway, he had not expected her to run out to the field and hug him or something like that. Knowing her and how shy she was, she would rather choose to congratulate him privately and there were a few things he would like to do to her after that.

  As soon as he was in the locker room, Lucas pulled off his gear and headed to the showers. Yeah, yeah, and so what if he wanted to smell and look nice for her? He grinned to himself. As he stood under the cold spring, he could not help but wonder when this had started. When had he started wondering how she saw him? The truth was that so many things were actually happening and he had no idea what to think of them. But slowly, he knew that he was going to figure it all out.