Forbidden Lessons Page 3
Buzz happened to be close by and immediately ran over. “What can I do for you?”
“We’re ready for our check now,” Addison said, slipping on her letterman jacket. “Oh, and boxes too, please.”
“Sure, coming right up,” Buzz obliged, speed-walking towards the register.
“So, where are we going after this, guys?” Holden asked the table.
“I was thinking The Station,” Dacia proposed. “You guys down for that?”
“Yeah! I could use something a little stronger than a raspberry lemonade,” Addison agreed eagerly, holding up her glass and rattling the little bit of ice and pinkish-yellow liquid that was left.
“McKinley, The Station sound good to you?” Holden asked me. She noticed that I was a bit withdrawn.
I hesitated. “Ladies, as much as I would love to get wasted with you tonight. . . I think I’m going to have to pass.”
“What? Nooooo!” Evie whined, sticking out her lower lip. “I worked so hard to get you out the house!” She feigned tears, threw a miniature fake tantrum, and rested her head on Addison’s shoulder.
I laughed and shook my head at her. “Evie, you are so dramatic, I swear,” I said, plopping the remaining half of my burger into the take-out container Buzz had delivered. “Here, take these fries. Eat them so I can be with you in spirit,” I joked, scooping them into her open box.
“It’s not the same,” she cried, her bottom lip protruding even further.
While Evie pouted, the rest of the girls gathered their things, and each of them gave me a cheerless look too.
“Come on, McKinley. It’s just not the same without you. Plus, the black light at The Station makes your hair glow purple and it’s hilarious,” Holden said innocently, making us all roll with laughter.
Buzz came back to dispense receipt copies and change. “You ladies have a great rest of your evening.”
“Thank you, Buzz. You too!” we all said. He walked off happily, his short, thin stature displaying an added bit of swagger.
“I’m actually feeling a bit queasy. I don’t want to push it when I really need to study tomorrow,” I lie, my eyes furtively flitting over to the bar to make sure my guy was still there. “I’ll catch you later?”
“Okay… if you need anything let us know,” Addison said. “We understand you skipping out on us this time, but next time, young lady, no excuses,” she warned playfully.
“Hold me to it, Addison. I know you will,” I said, chuckling. “Let me walk you guys to the door. It’s the least I can do.”
“Sure is,” Evie said, glaring at me lightheartedly.
While we headed for the exit, I turned my head ever-so-slightly and peered out of the corner of my eye to see if the man was still there. As long as I saw a sliver of his gray jacket, I knew he was. I periodically checked all the way to the front door, as if my paranoia would keep him tied to the bar.
It was refreshing stepping outside for a moment and letting the cool breeze of the night ward off some of this unexpected lust that was boiling within me. Thankfully, the storm of all storms had subsided, but the sweet smell of rain still lingered in the air.
“Make sure you guys keep me in the loop on the text chain or something,” I told them, giving each of them hugs and air kisses. “But I’ll see you girls. I need to run back inside and use the ladies’ room.”
“Okay, McKinley. Feel better, hon,” Evie said. “I’ll text you to let you know we made it.”
I nodded and quickly dipped back into Frankie’s. Mr. Mysterious hadn’t gone anywhere. I was relieved and convinced that fate intended for us to cross paths.
It seemed like a bunch more people had crowded into the area around the bar and I was slowly losing sight of him. From where I was standing, all I could see was the top of his head. I tried to walk over to where he was, but my legs magically took on the consistency of mashed potatoes. My heart started to beat quickly, seconds away from bursting through my chest.
And then, out of nowhere, I was standing right behind him…
After downing what should have been my last whiskey, I turned around to see if the young woman was still sitting at the booth. She wasn’t. How did I miss her leaving? I chastised myself as I turned back to the bar and considered ordering one more whiskey for the road.
Then my gaze traveled to the front door, just to make sure that she hadn’t left. Lo and behold, she was standing just outside, and it looked as if she was saying bye to her friends. I watched as she hugged them farewell and came back inside, her long, wavy, hair bouncing as she re-entered the restaurant. I smiled with the realization that I may still have a chance.
A second later, I saw her headed in my direction, and I immediately turned back around toward the bar, quickly devising a game plan. But by the time I had nervously run through all of the options, and mentally rehearsed how they would play out, someone sat down next to me. And it was her. At first, I tried to play it cool like I didn’t realize she was there, but her presence was too hard to ignore. I felt a warm buzz of her energy and wondered if this was what love at first sight felt like. I had definitely never felt anything like it before.
“Hi,” she said to me, trying to seem nonchalant as she kept her eyes on the back of the bar. Then, she waved the bartender down and asked for a tonic water with lime.
“Hey,” I responded, attempting to seem equally cool. For the first time in my life, I was not the player all my friends believed me to be. I couldn’t, for the life of me, seem to remember any of my usual lines. They were locked up inside of me. The bartender reappeared and slid the girl her drink, a little annoyed that he was wasting time on something other than booze.
She cradled the glass, tapping the sides of it with her nails in an unsteady, clink melody. I could tell she was nervous.
“I’m Knight,” I managed to spit out, holding out my hand for her to shake. She reluctantly took it. Her grip was firm, and I guessed from it that she wouldn’t take any shit, so I resolved to be respectful.
“Hi Knight, I’m McKinley,” she replied, smiling, revealing mild indentions in her cheeks. Dimples were one of my biggest weaknesses, no matter how deep they were, and I started to feel any resolve I had to be cool begin to crumble.
“McKinley,” I repeated, intrigued.
She nodded. “That’s what I said,” she answered with a sly grin.
“That’s a beautiful name,” I remarked. “Very unique.”
Now that she was sitting closer to me, I began to think that she may be a little younger than I presumed. A couple of years younger, to be precise.
“It is,” she grinned, tilting her head as if she was scanning me to determine whether or not I was playing her. Her sparkling tresses hung in midair, making her look even beautiful than before. She looked like an angel.
“I’m serious,” I said, sending her a faint hint of a wink. “I wouldn’t lie to you. Anyway, I think your name suits you well.”
“Oh yeah? Why is that?” she asked curiously, taking a healthy gulp of water.
“Because it’s lovely, like you are,” I told her.
She held in her mouthful of drink, trying to suppress the urge to laugh. A smile desperately tugged at her lips, and then she swallowed quickly to avoid spitting water all over the bar.
“What?” I asked, trying to seem innocent.
“You know, I get the feeling that you’re flirting with me,” she said as she traced the rim of her glass.
“What, me? Nooo,” I denied.
“I mean, I don’t exactly mind. But your lines could use some work. Did you start dating in the 70s?” she said with a playful grin
“Okay, that’s a pretty good burn. Am I really embarrassing myself that much?” I ask with a pout.
“It’s kind of cute, I guess,” McKinley answered, still not making eye contact, but I could see a blush creeping into her dimpled cheeks.
“Hmmm. So… you think I’m cute?” I asked as I leaned in t
oward her a little more. She shrugged.
“You’re alright, I guess,” she said finally, still smiling.
“Just cute, or maybe a little bit… sexy?” I asked, pushing playfully.
“Now you are getting cocky” she retorted.
“I know, it’s always been my worst quality.” We both laughed, and I instantly felt a connection with this woman, as if I had known her for years. I didn’t want my time with her to end, so I decided to take a chance.
“McKinley, do you want to get out of here?” I asked her.
“Yeah, that’s not a bad idea, actually,” she agreed.
We headed outside into the humid, late summer air, and took a stroll towards the lighted parking lot that was adjacent to Frankie’s. It seemed to be mostly empty of people; everyone was either still inside the restaurant, or had already gone for the night. It was that magic hour where everyone was exactly where they planned to be for the rest of the night.
So, we were completely alone. Silence fell over of us, to the point where we could practically reach out and touch it; our silhouettes blended into the dimly lit darkness surrounding us. McKinley’s oceanic eyes were the only things I could really see, sparkling with lust as they penetrated the depths of my soul. I felt an instant pull toward her. We inched closer and closer, our faces a breath apart, and I felt the warmth of her exhalation, enveloping my lips. Instinctively, I grabbed hold of her body, a sterling example of pure womanhood. She was curvaceous and full, and I loved the feel of her pressed against me.
Our mouths finally touched, charging an amorous current that surged through my body in rapid vibrations. Our kiss intensified, biting and exploring passionately as the electric momentum grew wilder. It began at my face, and with each undulating motion, traveled downward. Then, she suddenly pulled away with a long, sweet sigh.
“Knight… maybe we should slow down a little? We just met and I… can I see you again? I think this is a little too much, too fast, you know?”
I took a step back to catch my breath and nodded in agreement. “You’re right. Of course, you’re right. We just met. I don’t even know your last name. I’m sorry, McKinley. I just forgot myself. And we will see each other again. Tomorrow night? I can pick you up at your place at eight?”
McKinley shook her head. “Why don’t I just meet you downtown? At the Alehouse Grille?”
She seemed a little evasive but then again, we just met. I didn’t blame her for not wanting me to know where she lives. It also made me even more anxious to get to know her.
“Sounds good to me. Would you like me to walk you to your car, McKinley?”
She blushed, and my heart went wild. “No, thank you, Knight. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”
I winked at her as she got in her car and for a second, I felt a pang of pain as I watched her drive away.
Dear god, man. What is wrong with you? I thought as I walked to my own car. I just met the girl and already I was acting like a fool. I had to get it together.
There is no such thing as love at first sight…
I was trying to pick out the perfect outfit for my date with Knight, but Evie was screaming at me over speaker phone and it was making it impossible for me to concentrate.
“You kissed him? You just met him, McKinley! You never do anything like that!”
I tried to shush her, just so my ears would stop ringing. “It’s not that big of a deal. It was just a kiss.”
“What kind of a kiss?”
I could feel my cheeks go red at the memory of his lips against mine and a flush of heat spread through my entire body. “It was a really good kiss. He’s so sexy, Evie. And sweet. I can’t explain it, but even though I was only around him for a few minutes, I felt like I had known him for my entire life.”
“That’s crazy,” Evie said with a huff of surprise. “Where are you meeting him? Somewhere busy, I hope?”
“The Alehouse Grille? That new place downtown. I guess it will be busy, right?” I heard Evie shuffle around as if she is digging in her closet too. “Kay, what are you doing?”
“I am looking for something to wear. That place has a really upscale dress code, even at the bar.”
It took me a second to catch on, but when I did, my stomach dropped to my feet. “Oh, no. You are not coming with me.”
“Hell yeah, I am. And everyone else is coming with me.”
I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. “Evie…”
“We aren’t going to bother you. We are just going to sit at the bar and keep an eye on you in case you need anything. This is basically a blind date, you know? You don’t know his last name, or where he works, or even what he does for a living. It’s kind of crazy, you know? So, consider us your bodyguards for the evening. If everything is going well, you can give us a signal, and we’ll leave. And if you need rescuing, we can have another signal!”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “What kind of signal?”
“Um…” she faltered. “Ok, if you want us to leave, you get up and go to the bathroom. And if you want us to rescue you, you can knock over your water glass.”
“Evie! What if I actually have to go to the bathroom? Or what if I get nervous and knock over my water glass? This is a terribly flawed plan.”
I heard Evie snort on the other end. “Just hold it until you know if you want us to leave or stay! It’s not that complicated. Besides, I’d rather make things awkward for you for a minute than have you get murdered.”
I rolled my eyes as I plopped down on my bed. I was just gearing up to argue more when Holden stuck her head in my room.
“What time is your date? Evie messaged me and said we are going with you.”
I slapped my forehead and groaned into my hands.
“You’re not getting out of this!” Evie shouted from the phone.
“Clearly,” I muttered. “Fine. You can all come with me. But can you just leave me alone to get ready until then? I’m stressed out enough as it is!”
Holden backed slowly out of my bedroom with a sly smile on her face and shut the door behind her. Evie at least did me the courtesy of hanging up without saying anything else, so I could focus on what the hell I was going to wear. I crawled off my bed and shuffled over to my closet to sort through all of my clothes. Nothing seemed to suit the occasion, or the Alehouse Grille, which was officially one of the fanciest places in town. It catered more to the professors from the university than the students, mostly because it was so expensive. I wasn’t even sure why I suggested it, other than curiosity. The only way I would have ever eaten there otherwise was if my parents came in to town and I tricked them into going.
I must have been staring at my closet for thirty minutes to absolutely no avail when my bedroom door opened again, and a dress floated through it. It was Holden’s favorite dress: a silver, sparkly cocktail dress with a low-cut neckline and long sleeves. I had always loved it, but she was super cranky about ever sharing it.
“Are you kidding? I can borrow it?” I said to the dress since it was still the only thing in the room. In lieu of an answer, she just waved the dress around for me to take from her; I couldn’t help but giggle as I retrieved the beautiful, glittering garment. Immediately after I grabbed the dress, it was followed by a shoebox, and I jumped up and down happily. The box contained a pair of matching pale silver heels, not to high, not too low… the perfect date shoes. “Holden, you are an angel!”
She stuck her head back into the room. “I know,” Holden said with a wink before disappearing again.
Now that I had my outfit, I could put my makeup on and officially get ready for my date with Mr. Not Quite So Mysterious, Knight.
What in the world was I getting into?
I walked into The Alehouse Grille and expected to see McKinley waiting for me, angry and impatient, because I was twenty minutes late for our date. Even with my GPS, I still didn’t kn
ow my way around town and kept going the wrong way or making lefts when I was supposed to be making rights. My sense of direction wasn’t the best to begin with and given I haven’t learned where I am going yet, I knew I should have left my house earlier. Instead, I stumbled into the restaurant later, afraid McKinley had gotten angry and left. When I saw she was nowhere to be found, I went up to the host’s podium.
“Hello,” I said, trying to summon my confidence. “Is there a young lady here named McKinley? Waiting for Knight?” The host pointed to the bar, but I didn’t see her. “I’m sorry, where?” He pointed again to the center of the bar and suddenly, I noticed a beautiful woman in a sparkling silver dress, her long hair flowing down her back and accenting her gorgeous curves. She was sipping a glass of wine and didn’t seem to notice I was here. I took a deep breath and walked over to her, not wanting to startle her but not wanting to disturb her either. She looked so content, I almost hated to bother her. But all I wanted to do was kiss her again. So, I cleared my throat and softly ran my fingers down her arm, relishing the feel of her as she shivered at my touch.
“Hey, McKinley,” I said as she turned on her stool. When we locked eyes, I swear, my heart stopped.
“Knight,” she answered with a smile.
“I’m sorry I’m late. I’m still learning my way around.”
She raised an eyebrow at me. “You just moved here?”
“I guess there is a lot we don’t know about each other,” I said with a laugh. “Would you like to go to our table, or do you want to have another drink here?”
McKinley glanced nervously down the bar and then quickly looked back at me. “No, we should go to the table. Now, if possible.” I wasn’t sure why she was in such a rush, but I wasn’t about to argue with her. All I could think about was how beautiful she looked, and how all I wanted to do was make her happy.