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Forbidden Lessons Page 4

  The host came and took us to a table by the window, bathed in candlelight, with a perfect view of the lights twinkling in the park across the street. We ordered a bottle of wine and appetizers, then asked the waiter to return later for our meal choices, mostly because I wanted to talk to McKinley for a few minutes. Instead, I watched her as she scanned the menu with her eyes wide and concerned.

  “Jeez… this is going to cost more than my rent,” she said in a whisper. I burst out laughing.

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  She shook her head. “I didn’t realize… I mean, I wouldn’t have suggested it if I had known it was this expensive.”

  “Seriously, McKinley. It’s fine. Get whatever you want. I’m just happy to spend time with you. And I’m really glad you suggested this. I think getting to know each other first was the right decision.”

  McKinley smiled at me and the entire restaurant seemed to light up. “I have my moments. So, Knight… what do you do for a living?”

  Wow, we really don’t know anything about each other. “I’m a professor at Las Positas. Brand new exactly. I’m teaching my first classes when the fall term starts.”

  McKinley’s eyebrows raised. “Really? What department?”

  “Oh, I’m in the…”

  Suddenly, the sound of crashing glass, followed by giggling, from the bar drew both our attention. A group of young ladies, young ladies who looked incredibly familiar, were frantically trying to clean up a spilled pitched of sangria that had poured all over the bar in front of them. McKinley dropped her head into her hands with a groan.

  “Damnit,” she muttered under her breath. “I’m sorry, can you excuse me for a minute? I need to go to the bathroom.”

  I nodded my head, confused, but obliged, and stood up as she left the table. A round of cheers echoed from the women at the bar as McKinley disappeared into the lady’s room, drawing strange looks from the other patrons in the restaurant. By the time McKinley came back, the girls at the bar were gone and she looked relieved.

  “Do I want to know what that was about?” I asked with a smile.

  She just laughed. “I’ll tell you when you’re older.”

  As we ate the appetizers, we talked about where we were from, our families, how we had ended up at Las Positas, but it seemed that once McKinley found out I was a professor, she began avoiding certain subjects. And frankly, I was having too much fun to push her. I didn’t want the evening to end before it had even started. So, after an amazing meal and conversation that was wonderful, if surface level, we wandered out of The Alehouse Grille and on to the crowded downtown sidewalk. For a moment, both of us were unsure what to say next.

  Luckily, she spoke first.

  “Do you want to go for a walk in the park? It’s usually pretty empty at night.”

  I chuckled as I peeked over into the lovely tree-lined enclosure. “I’m from New York, you know. We don’t go into parks after dark unless we have a death wish.

  “It’s not that kind of park,” McKinley said with a laugh. I nodded and reached down, taking her small hand in mine. I saw her cheeks flush pink which made me go warm as well; as we crossed the street into the park, I had to suppress the urge to just grab her and pull her into her my arms right there. But it seemed she had the same idea I did, because we hadn’t made it more than a few steps in before she lead me into a secluded grouping of trees with a sly smile on her face.

  “What are we doing, McKinley?” I asked with a grin. She didn’t say anything; she just pushed me up against a maintenance shed and pinned me there, her arms brushing against my sides.

  “Now that we know each other a little better…”

  I spun her around so she was against the shed and kissed her with all the passion I had felt for her since the moment I saw her in Frankie’s. McKinley slid her leg up and against mine and I dropped my hand down to hold her up, bracing her for what I knew was coming next. I felt my cock twitch and swell with excitement as it pressed against her. She reached down and undid my pants, letting them drop to the floor so she could touch me. The feel of her small hand on my manhood was like electricity and I knew there was no way we were going to be able to draw this out for long.

  I reached my hands up under her sparkling dress and slid down her black thong, shivering as her tongue thrust in and out of my mouth. I couldn’t wait another second; I thrust myself into her and she felt like fucking heaven. McKinley lifted her head and her face settled into an expression of surprised pleasure. Her forehead was speckled with beads of sweat, delicately twinkling under the dim streetlamp above us. She dug her nails into my back, which made me draw in a sharp, silent breath of surprise. It was an excruciating reminder of the very faint threshold between pain and pleasure; it actually made me think of the claws of a lioness as she played with her prey. The comparison was reinforced by McKinley’s low groans, which were almost as visceral as an animal’s. It was an unusual combination of refined beauty and primitive temperament.

  I could feel her walls clenching my cock tighter as she threw her head back in ecstasy. Her carefully tended curls scattered, turning into a messy, glowing mane. I took hold of the back of her head, inhaled shakily and plunged deeper, but not too much because I didn’t know what she could handle and didn’t want to hurt her. She let out an agonized but pleasurable moan and I knew I had reached my limit.

  We stayed like that, exploring each other, for another ten minutes, and I felt myself approaching the edge. I held her close and watched her beautiful face as she got there first. My heart was beating a thousand times a second as McKinley came in the moonlight. I think it may have been the most gorgeous thing I’d ever seen. I followed behind her, coming faster and with more ferocity than I think I had in my entire life. She was perfect and the feel of her pussy clenching and drawing me in was better than I could have ever imagined.

  After giving her a slow kiss, I pulled myself away from her and tried to find some semblance of a center. McKinley pulled her thong back up around her beautiful hips, and I fumbled with pants. Suddenly, we heard a group of people entering the park, startling McKinley and me. I didn’t think they saw us, though.

  McKinley shook her now-frazzled, wet hair in an effort to get it back under control, but honestly, I liked the way it looked when it was messy. She looked up at me with a beautiful smile but a second later, it turned to an expression of exhaustion.

  “I think I need to get home,” she informed me suddenly, as she adjusted the rest of her outfit. “I really need to get to bed.”

  “You’re bored already? The magic is gone?” I asked her jokingly.

  “No, you were great. You are great,” she laughed. “I’m just super tired. I haven’t really been getting that much sleep lately.” She could barely get out the last word before a yawn escaped her mouth. “Excuse me. I’m so sorry. That wasn’t a reflection on you.”

  “Would you like to come sleep… at my place?” I offered, my hands wrapped around her waist as I gave her another kiss. “You shouldn’t have to walk home when you’re this sleepy.”

  McKinley nodded at me with a tired smile. “I normally don’t go home with guys after the first date… but I guess I can make an exception for you.”

  It wasn’t as enthusiastic as I hoped, but it was enough.



  Through the passenger window, I watched the city whiz by in colorful blurs, wondering what I had gotten myself into. I couldn’t believe I did that. With… him. I never slept with guys I just met, and certainly not in public like that. But there was something about Knight, something I couldn’t explain. Just being near him made my brain go fuzzy, and I was already making silly decisions. Like going home with him now.

  But what was one more crazy decision, right?

  As his car whizzed down Main Street, my head felt weightless, spinning around of its own volition like an unattended top. I felt drunk, even though we barely had enough to wine to get to me like that. But I knew that it was
him who was making me dizzy and not the alcohol; he was like a drug, and I already couldn’t get enough of him.

  I shifted so I could set my head back against the seat rest, running my hands along the smooth, dark gray leather on the side of the door. My fingers caressed the individual loops of stitching and snaked across the luxurious surface until they ran over the patched insignia of this car’s brand. Wow. This is an expensive car. The new car smell was still very much present, but it mixed with Knight’s cologne, an enchanting peppery fragrance that had been driving me wild since I first smelled it at Frankie’s. It smelled mature, which prompted me to ask something I had been wondering since I first saw him but had been afraid to ask for a number of reasons.

  “Can I ask you a serious question?” I said a little more quietly than I meant to.

  He glanced over at me, while trying to keep his eyes on the road. “Shoot.”

  “How old are you?”

  He looked over at me again, laughing somewhat dismissively. Then he realized that I was serious. “Thirty,” he confessed.

  “Really?” My eyes widened. “Huh. I guess I thought you were closer to my age.”

  “Oh yeah? I’ll take that as a compliment,” he said, his hands repositioning their grip on the steering wheel. “Your turn.”

  I should have expected him to flip the question on me. It hadn’t dawned on me until now that this hadn’t come up.

  “Twenty-one,” I answered a little sheepishly, suddenly feeling impossibly young.

  Knight laughed. “Why do you sound embarrassed about that?”

  “I don’t know. I guess you being thirty makes me feel like a baby,” I said sincerely.

  “Don’t make it weird, McKinley,” he said with a laugh. “Nine years isn’t that big of a deal, is it?”

  “I guess not. But thirty is so… old,” it tumbled out of my mouth before I had a chance to stop it, and I covered my face, humiliated. Thirty wasn’t old; I had just never considered dating someone who was older than me, which was closer to what I meant to say. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t what I meant. I never say the right thing. Ever.”

  But Knight just exploded with laughter. “Let’s talk again when I’m sixty and you’re fifty-one. Then you can call me old. For now, while I still have all my original hair and teeth, maybe we can find a new word for it, huh?”

  “You really think we’re still going to know each other in thirty years?”

  “Hey, never hurts to be optimistic, does it?” Knight says to me with a flirty wink. I don’t know why, but I burst out in an unexpected yawn again, and it seems to go on for an hour. I wave my hand in front of my face, embarrassed.

  “Getting a little sleepy over there?” Knight asked. “I thought young whippersnappers like you were supposed to be full of energy.”

  “Usually I am, but I guess some old man wore me out,” I replied sarcastically, my head leaning against the window.

  “When we get home, I’ll tuck you right in to bed, okay?” he promised in a low, sensual voice.

  “I mean, did I say anything about right into bed?” I asked, not opening my eyes. Why am I being so flirty? What is this guy doing to me? I thought, afraid to look over at him.

  “I guess not. We could play checkers. Drink some warm milk. Watch an old movie,” he teased.

  I chuckled. “I like Audrey Hepburn.”

  “Who doesn’t?” he answered, focused intently on the road ahead. He made a right turn on Jackson Street, and I knew exactly where we were going from here. Knight lived in the University District. How unexpected.

  “I can’t believe you live in one of these houses. Are you old and rich?”

  “Alright, alright, settle down. If you keep this up, I’m going to drop you off at the fire station.”

  I didn’t want to laugh, but I did in spite of myself. Score one for my mystery man.

  He drove down Rotterdam Avenue, which was littered with huge, majestic homes, properties that I never thought I would get to see up close. Before this, I hadn’t even ventured into this area, although it was so close to my school. I couldn’t wait to see which one of these beautiful old homes belonged to Knight.

  There were men who chased after money, and men who wanted to advance their social status. There were men who loved to wallow in extravagance, and men who cared only about themselves. But this man, Knight Ramsay, in this moment, was concerned with only one thing, and that was my pleasure.

  I had never met a man like him in my life.

  I looked around me at the four newly-painted maroon walls of Knight’s bedroom, trying to keep control of myself with a distraction. I felt him swell up inside of me, and I was threatening to burst at any second. I was underneath him, moaning with bliss with each virile thrust he delivered. He pressed his face against mine, and I felt his facial hair tickling my cheek. His momentum was gaining intensity and it felt like heaven. With each push, his own moans came from a deeper part of his being. Sweat began to bead up on his chest, which rubbed against mine, giving me a kind of satisfaction I didn’t anticipate. I suddenly found myself begging him for more, for him to go harder, deeper.

  Knight obliged and went deeper until he hit that spot that made my eyes practically roll back in my head. It was the dividing line between intense discomfort and mind-numbing euphoria. I instinctively propped my hand against his pelvis, to prevent him from burrowing too deep inside of me.

  My other hand was wrapped around his back, my nails digging into his shoulder blade which didn’t seem to bother him. It only took a few more thrusts for us to explode in pleasure together, his massive cock twitching inside of me and causing wave after wave of orgasm to wash over me. He fit inside of me like nothing I had ever known, and I never wanted it to end. I could have stayed like that forever.

  “That was incredible,” he whispered in a feathery exhale, rolling off of me onto his back. He stared up at the ceiling, panting heavily, trying to regain his composure.

  “It certainly was,” I answered as I traced circles on his chest. “You are… so different than anyone I’ve ever met before.”

  “Likewise, beautiful,” he said with a laugh.

  We both closed our eyes for a moment, and just enjoyed each other’s company. And after a while, we both drifted off into a peaceful, deep sleep, wrapped in each other’s arms.



  I awoke to find McKinley entangled in my sheets, one leg hanging off the edge of the bed, and her arm sprawled across my chest.

  I raised my head slightly to peek at the time on the bedside clock and saw that it was 2:15. I tried not to wake McKinley, but when I stirred, she woke up anyway, and she looked at me with the foggiest gaze.

  “Hey, McKinley,” I whispered quietly. She kept silent and blinked the sleep from her eyes, to acclimate herself to the waking world. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, of course,” she replied sleepily.

  My hand slipped underneath her breast by accident, and instead of removing it, I started to tenderly massage her. Then, my hand meandered south towards her abdomen. The sensation of me touching her caused her to stir in my arms. After letting me stroke her body for a while, she came to, and kissed me on the tip of my chin.

  I pulled the covers over us, while she slowly mounted me. She rose up and eased down, repeating this action several times before she finally got her prize. I was rock hard, and ready for a third round with my beautiful girl.

  This time, we would take it nice and slow, going with the natural rhythm of our bodies, surrendering ourselves to organic, tidal motions. McKinley rocked back and forth on top of me, establishing a perfect tempo. I held her hips while she undulated, a mutual climax brewing, and slowed down a bit so it wouldn’t end too quickly.

  McKinley dropped her head forward, causing a curtain of hair to encircle my face. Then she flung her head back, sending her locks flying in the opposite direction. She moaned and cried out as we neared the pinnacle of our intimate union. She grabbed my shoulders and belted ou
t one final cry, as we came together.

  With a contended sigh, McKinley climbed out of the bed and picked up her phone, which she had tossed on the nightstand earlier.

  “Shit, I didn’t know it was this late!” she exclaimed. “I have to get going.”

  “What’s the rush? Can’t you stay the night?” I asked, as I snuggled down deeper into the covers.

  “It’s late and I really need to get home,” she said resolutely.

  “Well, hey, let me call a car for you,” I offered, grabbing my phone from the nightstand.

  “Thanks,” she said, shimmying back into her dress and jumping into her shoes.

  “You’re in a hell of a rush. Did I make it awkward?” I asked with a laugh, but suddenly nervous it might actually be true.

  “Don’t be silly,” she said. “I had an amazing time. I just have a ton of things to do in the morning and it will be easier if I start from home. That’s all. It’s nothing personal,” she explained, flinging her hair around until it was wild and free, then pulling it back into a messy ponytail.

  I nodded, trying to make myself believe her as I checked the status of her car.

  “The driver will be here in about eight minutes,” I let her know.

  “Okay, cool,” she replied as she checked her hair in the reflection of her phone screen. She was good to go.

  “All set?” I asked her. Here she was, fully clothed, with me just sitting there in my boxers.

  “Yup. I think I’m good.”

  My phone buzzed in my hand. “I think that’s your ride,” I said, escorting her to the door.

  I opened it, letting a rush of warm night air infiltrate my house. McKinley smiled at me, in a way that gave me a hint of hope she might feel the same way I think I did.

  “Thanks for an amazing time tonight,” she said delicately. And then I kissed her on the lips and waved goodbye, not entirely able to believe that the night was already over. I could only hope that she would let me see her again, because there was no way I would be able to get her out of my head, even with everything else I needed to focus on right now.